Saturday, September 30, 2023

Ghost Inventory

The ghost settles in the salt grass.
I see the ghost and, for once, the ghost sees me.
Early July, and I have been swimming.
The air is warm, but the water is not.
The water is prickled coolness.
I open my eyes beneath the surface.

I think of my father, his ashes.
I think of my mother's green teeth.

I see the ghost. The ghost sees me.
I lost too much. I ache and . . .

To the surface, I take blue air.
The wind flits over skin.

I see the ghost. The ghost sees me.
I lost too much. I ache and creak.

Out here on the flats the alkaline dust kicks.
Hardened hills reflect still water.

from tourniquet dreams EP, released March 20, 2022

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